A new beginning, starting with Why

In April I got the notice that the department within Sanoma I work for would no longer exist, starting July 1st. Me, and a dozen co-workers have been thanked for our services. It’s been a hectic and weird few months as a result.

I want to stress that this event couldn’t have come at a better moment in time for me. I’ve been at Sanoma for over 11 years but the last year has been one of revelation and personal transformation. At the root cause, the Agile Expert program I’ve been following for the last year.

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When Shit goes Wrong…

When shit goes wrong it tends to do this for me on epic scale. Today everything seemed to go awry.

It started with a few setbacks at work, which were a bit meh but nothing I can’t handle but are just a nuisance. It’s one of those days you feel like you are dragging around a dead horse.

Continue reading When Shit goes Wrong…

Vacation, Finally…

penseur1I am finally on vacation. The truth is that I didn’t realise how much I needed one until I was on my second day where the alarm clock had no power over me.

My body has done some serious unwinding in the last couple of days. I still feel a bit tense and my head throbs from my tight neck muscles but I am in a position where I can just relax them.

Continue reading Vacation, Finally…