When Shit goes Wrong…

When shit goes wrong it tends to do this for me on epic scale. Today everything seemed to go awry.

It started with a few setbacks at work, which were a bit meh but nothing I can’t handle but are just a nuisance. It’s one of those days you feel like you are dragging around a dead horse.

Continue reading When Shit goes Wrong…

Get off the road!

Traffic is really starting to grind my gears lately. Yesterday I was stuck in a traffic jam where I was standing still in one spot for over an hour. The reason was an accident which involved multiple motor vehicles which blocked off 3 lanes (of the 4 or 5 available). Today I check traffic radar and discover the motorway to work is completely blocked off again because of yet another accident.

Continue reading Get off the road!

11 km of traffic jam because of accident… ok, but…

Why 11 km of traffic jam for an accident that happened in the opposite direction?

Here’s the situation: Cars crash spectacularly on the other side in the road, blocking that road completely…. It happens.
Why do folks on the other side of the road need to slow down? To get a glimpse of the carnage? I mean, don’t you feel like a fucking bald-headed scavenger for being unable to resist the urge to peek at what is happening on the other side?

Please do me and the rest of the world a favor. Next time something crashes on the other side of the road: IGNORE AND KEEP DRIVING!

Drive, you idiots!