Vacation, Finally…

penseur1I am finally on vacation. The truth is that I didn’t realise how much I needed one until I was on my second day where the alarm clock had no power over me.

My body has done some serious unwinding in the last couple of days. I still feel a bit tense and my head throbs from my tight neck muscles but I am in a position where I can just relax them.

Have I done much already? Not really. Perhaps you might find it odd that while enjoying vacation I should be doing things I want to do. Well I am I am doing as little as possible and if I am doing something it’s because I want to.

So far I’ve been to Roermond twice, first time visiting the Designer Outlet and the centre; the second time to meet up with a friend and ex-colleague of mine. I’ve made a few small bike trips, discovering how horribly out off shape I am. That is, my legs can keep up fine, but my ass is not used to biking anymore. And I’ve read 420 pages of God Emperor of Dune, which was a goal I set for myself, since I remembered that book to be an utter bore.

On the book, it is not near as boring as I remembered it to be. There’s a lot of dialogue, yes, and little action. I guess that was what I was looking for when I was younger. Now I find the book intreguing and has left me somewhat complacent. It begs all sort of questions  about identity, life, religion and the point of it all. I’ve always lived with the belief that who we are is the rough genetic material of out ancestors reshaped by the sharp chisel of our experiences. Genes determine traits, experience dictates action.

Anyway, we’re heading for the Thermenmuseum in Heerlen now, so I should keep it short. The gist of it is, that I am glad I can empty my head and relax my body. Tomorrow will bring new things and I will deal with them when the time comes.