Summer Dieing Fast

BlahnessYesterday it dawned on me that the end of summer is soon upon us. Reflecting on the last 2.5 months I really wonder what I have done in that period that is “summer-like”. The answer eludes me.

Ofcourse there were activities such as BBQ and whatnot but to say I have really enjoyed summer, no. The actual summer activities can be counted on one hand.

I suppose it is partially self-inflicted since I have my new computer and can’t get enough of the performance. Honestly, I have been gaming my little brains out to the point I am feeling numb. My coding projects have suffered from it, although I managed to fix some mystery bug that was encountered in a wordpress plug-in from work… And I am officially not even a coder. 😉

I digres.

The second thing has had more impact on my mood the last few weeks and months than the new PC. My projects at work all got escalated to the point pretty much all of them are critical. As such I’ve had a lot more stress to deal with and -for the first time- I am not completely able to leave that at the office when I go home.

To be honest I feel that my urge to play games is a form of escapism.

Anyway, the days are growing colder and darker again and I have yet to have some vacation time. I feel a bit like I wasted away my summer, even though I am not the person to sit in the sun.

I hope that by the end of this month, when all the critical projects will be finished I can unwind a bit. My vacation starts at the last week of september so I really take that time to unwind.

Farewell summer of 2009. I knew ye not.