First Shot at Pistols

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Tonight I went to the shooting range/gun club for the 3rd time. Last week I went on monday with Ivan and had our way with rifles. Last friday I took Megan to give her a taste at shooting air rifles. Today the three of us went to the range to try our hand at shooting the air pistols.

We met up with Marco, a friendly guy we met last friday, whom I also know from the car dealership, which services my car. He gave us instructions on how to deal with the air pistols and basic pointers to help us on our way on hitting the target. After the instructions we went to the range to have a go at shooting cards at 12 yards.

After a few opening shots I really got the hang of it. Both me and Ivan were hitting the targets in the black pretty steadily. Let the photos speak for themselves. I only will add that it tastes like more.

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