Down For the Count… Again

I am currently working through the 3rd cold I’ve gotten this year. Getting colds is now definitely getting on my nerves. I hardly ever got sick in the past but now I’ve had 3 cold and 2 separate cases of  flu. It’s starting to get very annoying.

As a result I had to cancel a visit to my parents who will be leaving on vacation sometime today or tomorrow because I didn’t want to risk ‘spreading the joy’ before their holidays. I won’t be seeing them for a few weeks now.

On the bright side, I am definitely on the mend. I can breathe with reasonable ease through my nose and are not suffering massive headaches from congestion or neck pain from sneezing. Let’s hope this just ends quickly and stays away from me for a long, long time.

Something completely different…

This is a transcript of a short verbal interaction between friends. I thought I’d share.

Megan: The force is with you
Me: The fork! is with you
Megan: The fork?
Me: Always!
Dennis: What about the spoon?
Me: There is no spoon
Megan: I got a spork
Dennis: It’s an anomaly
Me: It’s an abomination!
Megan: But what are chopsticks then?
Dennis: I dunno, a bug?
Me: No, a prototype

Happy 3-Year Anniversary Megan

Today Megan and I have been married for 3 years now. It seems a little weird to me that this was already 3 years ago. It definitely doesn’t feel like that long ago.

Now three years after we  got married we are very happy together. Right now we are both still in bed ‘nerding’ on our respective devices (me on the EEE PC and Megan on her Nokia E71) blogging about this joyous event.

Today is going to be a we’ll-do-whatever-the-heck -we- wanna-do day. (or at least I think that’s the plan ;)). Hopefully it will be fun fun fun. 🙂

I love you, my sweet N<3Rd. Happy anniversary, 😉

Sint is coming to Town

In the day and age where the news is flooded with stories of abuse of children by priests of the Catholic church it seems that nothing is sacred or safe anymore, not even the patron saint of all children: Saint Nicolas.

Dick Maas, a dutch movie maker is working on a horror movie called “Sint” (Saint), which is scheduled to be released in the last quarter of 2010.

Continue reading Sint is coming to Town