Personal Log January 26th

Yesterday was as I mentioned a day of recuperation and a few errands. We had a light breakfast and a very elaborate lunch before we headed out the door.
We went up to Pendleton to run a couple of errands for Renee and visit for a little while. It was at this time Megan discovered she forgot her drivers license. This meant I got to drive us around. I sent my parents a text message asking to mail Megan’s license per express mail.

We went out and picked up a few things at Wal-Mart and head back to the house. There we stayed for a little while; Megan vacuumed the floor while I sat around with Renee talking a bit. Then we called and talked a bit to David, who was worn out from his therapy and a short night.

We decided to head back as it was getting dark pretty early. We spent the evening playing a few games like Yahtsee and plain dice before we had supper. The evening was filled with discussions on many subjects.

My body still adjusting to local time pooped out on me around 10pm, which resulted me in going to bed much earlier than I am accustomed to. Again I slept like a rose.

This morning I woke up at 6am at which point I tried to stay in bed and rest a bit more. Unfortunately I was too antsy and got up at around 7am. A lovely bacon and egg breakfast and a shower later and I feel human again.

The snow-covered landscape is very beautiful today. Little birds feed themselves just outside the window. I could not resist to take a few pictures. What a beautiful day it is.

We’ll head back into town later today so we can run a few more errands and get stuff to box up Megan’s old books and whatnot.