Windows 7 Pro en route… I think?

windows-7-logo[1]Yesterday I got the joyous news that my copy of Windows 7 professional (UK edition) is finally shipped and en route to me. I was advised that the copy could take up to 15 days to arrive.

The nice people of Microsoft even got me a tracking ID so I can see where my Windows 7 copy is at the moment. Now I can see why.

Durban? South Africa? Surely that must be a shortcut to ship stuff from France to Holland.

I sure hope that someone at DHL knows where Holland is or I might be in for a long wait for my package to arrive.


I mailed with a representative of the Windows 7 upgrade programme and assured me that my copy of Windows 7 was shipped to the correct address. They were going to see if they could get me a new tracking number. At any rate I should expect it somewhere tuesday or wednesday.

Nice to note too: I mailed them and received a personal answer within 5 minutes of the auto-reply. That’s pretty darn good.

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