Hello EVE Online, farewell reality

Selena Na'sharr - EVE online

I’ve finally made the step: I got an EVE online account now (thanks to my buddy Jemimus) and started exploring the vast world of EVE. After 3 weeks I am in a corp, flying several ships, have been wardec’d along with my corp and are thoroughly hooked to the game.

Where Star Wars the Old Republic might have been a mild caffeine addiction, this game is more addictive than Crystal Meth.

I’ve actually thought often to get EVE. I’ve heard many stories from friends about it and the game intrigued me. The aspect that most aspects of the game is player-controlled  makes it a diverse and ever-changing game.

The only thing I regret is not doing this sooner. Perhaps I could’ve played a bit with Omar, when he was still actively participating.

Personal Log 27th January

Today was in light of cleaning up, sorting out and throwing away stuff. We woke up early to have breakfast and went out to sort out the rest of the stuff in Megan’s old room in her parent’s place. Because the room had not seen a dust cloth for some time I knew I was going to get dirty so skipped the shower. Warren was kind enough to lend me some old clothes to work in. They fitted me fine, although it was a good thing I wasn’t pulled over by the fashion police because I would have been locked away for a long time.
Continue reading Personal Log 27th January