Cat “Must Attend” Jury Duty

This news item made my day. Apparently Sal the Cat must appear in court on march the 23rd for jury duty. The owners of the cat, Anna and Guy Esposito, received a summons for their feline companion. Apparently, due to a clerical error the cat, listed as a pet in the last census, was mistakenly registered as a human.

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The Seeping has Stopped

Good news. The leak that has been plaguing my home has been plugged. After the roofer performed his fix the water has stopped running down my walls as soon as it would rain.

The repair wasn’t too expensive either. For just under 100 euro things were patched up. Now to fill out the paperwork for the insurance and hope they reimburse me. After that, the only thing left to do is reapply the wallpaper. That won’t happen for a while though, since the walls need to dry first.

At least no more weeping walls.

Blue Monday? Take it Elsewhere!

Today is ‘blue Monday’, supposedly the most depressing Monday of the year. Everyone seems to be talking about it: on the radio, at work, on twitter.

To all you folks that are willing to talk yourself into a depression. Take it elsewhere! Depressions are as contagious as the flu and the common cold. I don’t need it, I don’t want it.

So feel free to talk yourself into a depression, go sulk in a corner, feel sorry for yourself, curl up in a ball and so on and so forth; just do it elsewhere. You won’t ruin my mood.