New PC ordered

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Shopping for hardwareFolks close to me know that I’ve been talking about doing this for a long long time. (pretty much a whole year!) Finally I’ve put my (birthday) money where my mouth is. Last Saturday I went and ordered my new computer system.

Previous systems I’ve always built myself from whatever I could find which was the best (or a close approximation of it) for the lowest price. I’d have it all shipped in then spend a weekend building the system.

This time around I’ve decided to let others do all the screwing, bolting, glueing and what not. I just want a good working system without the hassle of putting it together myself. Of course this means you have to get it all in one place, which makes it slightly more expensive than just building it yourself. But the upside of it all is that all of it is under warranty at one computer shop.

Having others build it for you does not mean I made any concessions on quality. I pretty much spend the last half year researching what I wanted and aside from one minor downgrade (on the PSU) I got what I wanted.

Enough with the babbling. Let the photo gallery give you an idea of what I got.

The whole deal is topped off with a sauce of Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit (blergh) with upgrade option to Windows 7 Ultimate (yay!).

If there is a downside to all this goodness, I have to wait 2 weeks before it all gets in and is assembled. So my patience is taxed but I comfort myself with the idea that the reward is sweet.