Bush surveys damage done by presidency

bush_monkey1It’s only 4 more days until Obama will become president of the United States. This also means that it will end an 8 year period of reign of what is (according to popular believe) the worst presidency in the history of the United States.

I’ve never made it a secret not to be a big fan of Bush; I never was. From the moment on he was elected I believed him not to be the right man for the job. But after 8 years of Clinton the US citizens hungered for a President to settle things domestically.

Unfortunately this president also showed aspiration for foreign politics, which in my opinion was a big mistake. The result has been 2 still on-going wars and an even bigger domestic mess for his successor to clean up.

Anyway, I just came across a  link on Internet Vandaag to a video from the Onion News Network. It’s priceless. Enjoy.
