iPhone, myPhone

iPhone in cradleSome of you might already have read about the lovely incident I was having with Rabomobiel (and Vodafone). Time for an update. I’ve switched over to a new operator and got myself an iPhone.

How do I get from a crummy operator to an iPhone? I will elaborate.

You may recall the fact my personal mobile phone number was considered leading by 2 operators. Well, after 2 months of calling and complaining fate struck.
My Qtek got nicked.

Normally I would be pretty upset about such a thing but frankly I did no longer have the energy to be upset. I then tried to find a solution. I considered the following options:

  • Buying a separate phone would cost me 150 to 200 euros and I would still be in the struck with operators issues, or;
  • Buy an iPhone for 160 euros and take a more expensive subscription at the affiliated operator.

That’s a no-brainer. At this point would gladly pay more for cellphone service as long as they would get my number right!

So here I am, with probably the most discussed ‘gadget’ of this year and last.

It’s funny how other perceive it. Some congratulate me with a more wholesome life, others treat me like I have switched to the dark side. It’s inherent to the exposure it has been getting, that there will be quite extreme opinions on it, but I find it almost hilarious.

Edit: there is one downside though. In order to use the WordPress iPhone application (for mobile blogging) I will need to upgrade my current version of WordPress. So much for effortless. 😉