Building a new website

Website buildingFor the last few weeks I’ve been working on a website project for my dad’s local political party “Leefbaar Zoetermeer”. (‘Leefbaar’ means ‘Livable’; Zoetermeer is the town we live in) Since every self-respecting party has a website these days and the old website looked like crap I’ve taken the task of making something that meets the requirements and desires of the party and looks aesthetically pleasing.

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Keane – Under the Iron Sea

Keane - Under the Iron SeaYeh, so I was going to bed, but I am a notorious insomniac… of sorts. I can sleep just fine, but I can think of a million more interesting things to do than sleep. 😉

Anyway, enough about my sleeping patterns and more about Keane.

People that know me might think that Keane is a rather odd band to be discussing. People that know me well are aware that’s not the case. 😉

Continue reading Keane – Under the Iron Sea